Polisensio – How Clean Is the Air We All Breathe?

Start-Up of the Month: Polisensio

December 2018

People inhale and exhale 20,000 times a day. By default, they assume that the air they breathe in is clean … but is it? According to the WHO, 92% of the world’s population is exposed to dangerous levels of air pollution.
Polisensio is empowering decision makers of (smart) cities and businesses with outdoor air quality data and environmental intelligence so they can take targeted action against air pollution.
It starts with installing sensors on urban fleets of vehicles to create a network of moving sensors (NMS). Here, datasets can be collected and sent to servers where Copernicus data and other open-source readings are also added. Aggregations and analytics are performed to generate the end product: data and air quality environmental intelligence in the form of forecasts, hyperlocalized heatmaps, simulations, and other insights that are delivered to customers via a web platform or API.

Things to be proud of this year:
Finalists in the Copernicus Sustainable Development Challenge
Audience award in the Green Tech Challenge
Solution partner award from HUB:RAUM @Deutsche Telekom
First paying customer

Polisensio by the numbers over the past 15 months:
Pitched in 30+ international competitions and bootcamps
Brought four logistics and public transport companies on board as partners
Launched the MVP in three European capitals
Graduated from renowned European accelerator programs (Copernicus Masters, Startup Wise Guys, Katapult)

Things to look forward to in 2019:
Fully developed solution and further team expansion
Full sales mode -> ON
Opening a seed investment round

Meet and engage with the founders, Cosmin, Andrei, and Razvan.

Words from the Mentor

“Right now, the ability to monitor pollution in large cities is becoming one of the main resources in making environmental decisions to ensure a high quality of life for affected citizens. Since having a few points of measurement at key positions in a given area is seemingly insufficient, the service provided by Polisensio uses mobile sensors (combined effectively with valuable information from Copernicus) to perform real-time, 24/7 monitoring of entire cities, which adds a new dimension to environmental management capabilities. Polisensio is already demonstrating these advantages in pilot tests and is open to customising and evolving its services according to the needs and dimensions of specific cities.”

Armengol Torres
Intelligent Consulting